Regenerative Care

Doctor putting an injection into the knee If you suffer from a condition that causes chronic pain, there’s never been a better time to explore new and innovative ways to improve your health. One of these options is regenerative medicine. Here’s what you need to know about the process and how it can help.

What is Regenerative Therapy?

Regenerative therapy involves treatment that aims to aid the body in its natural healing and recovery process. It harnesses the remarkable potential of our own cells and tissues to mend damaged areas of our bodies. Our bodies possess an incredible ability to self-heal minor cuts and bruises. However, for more significant injuries and as we age, our bodies may require additional assistance. This is where regenerative medicine steps can be effective! It employs various treatments to support the growth of new cells or tissues, which can then replace the damaged ones.

As a natural treatment option, regenerative therapy involves injections ranging from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to tissue transplants. The most common type is stem cell injections, which is where helpful stem cells that work to repair tissue and joints are injected into the body by a trained healthcare provider.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a used in medical treatments that is derived from a person's own blood. Our blood is made up of different components like red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets are tiny parts of cells that help with healing and clotting. For PRP treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from the person and then processed to separate the platelets from the other components. This concentrated solution of platelets is called platelet-rich plasma.

PRP is rich in growth factors and other bioactive substances that can stimulate and enhance the body's natural healing abilities. When PRP is applied or injected into an injured or damaged area, it can promote tissue repair and regeneration. Doctors often use PRP in sports medicine and orthopedics to treat things like tendon injuries, muscle strains, and arthritis. PRP therapy is considered a form of regenerative medicine because it harnesses the healing potential of our own blood components to aid in the recovery process.

Tissue transplants repair or replace a joint and its surrounding tissue with new cells and tissue to enhance its function. This treatment not only benefits the specific area being treated but also helps the body heal faster overall. The main purpose of the transplanted tissue is to repair, reconstruct, replace, and support the affected area. Additionally, it aids in promoting new growth in joints that have deteriorated over time. Many patients experience a reduction in pain levels after just one session of this treatment.

How is Regenerative Therapy Used?

There are numerous ways our providers can utilize non-surgical regenerative therapy techniques. For example, it is often common for patients with joint pain, arthritis, ligament tears or mobility issues to undergo this type of treatment. Those who’ve suffered sports injuries or accidents may also benefit from it.

Focusing on treating the cause and not just the symptoms, our providers utilize proprietary treatment protocols that combine regenerative therapy and other therapies to give each patient the best opportunity for recovery. As each patient’s condition is unique, so is their treatment.

However, it is important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for this type of regenerative therapy. In situations where you’ve had a very bad injury or the degeneration of the joint is excessive, undergoing this type of treatment may not be the best option. But, the landscape of regenerative therapy is constantly changing, so it is always a good idea to have a conversation and thorough exam with our providers so they can determine whether they believe it would be helpful in your situation.

What Are the Benefits of Regenerative Therapy?

Patients who have had regenerative therapies are usually quick to tell you that there are tons of benefits. Increased range of motion, reduction in pain, and lowered inflammation are some of the most common. Many people see an improvement within a few weeks, while others start to feel a difference after only one or two sessions.

If you’re ready to learn more about regenerative therapies and determine if you may be a candidate, please give our team a call at (812) 663-7640 to schedule an appointment.

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